(Peter Yarrow and Phil Jarrel)
There are times when a woman has to say what's on her mind
Even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt
Before I say another word let me tell you, I love you
Let me hold you close and say these words as gently as I can
There's been another man that I've needed and I've loved
But that doesn't mean I love you less
And he knows he can't possess me and he knows he never will
There's just this empty place inside of me that only he can fill
=-----= CORO =-----=
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
You mustn't think you've failed me
Just because there's someone else
You were the first real love I ever had
And all the things I ever said
I swear they still are true
For no one else can have the part of me I gave to you
=-----= CORO =-----=
I couldn't really blame you if you turned and walked away
But with everything I feel inside, I'm asking you to stay
=-----= CORO =-----=
Torn between two lovers
Feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Las letras de Torn Between Two Lovers (1977) son propiedad de sus respectivos autores, artistas y disqueras, el contenido mostrado en este sitio es provisto con fines meramente educativos.
Si te gusta la canción por favor cómprala para apoyar a todo el equipo que ha hecho posible este material.